Paper Submission

Important Dates







Scope and Topics

The widespread adoption of 5G/6G, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about significant benefits in terms of performance, efficiency, and productivity. Massive smart devices also have greatly promoted the applications of new technology. However, 5G/6G technology has created more segmented application scenarios, diversified applications and demands, resulting in a more complex security and defense system. IoT devices have become a key target for hackers due to their limited security capabilities and zero-day vulnerabilities. The AI generated image and videos are everywhere and bring multimedia security problems. How to solve the security and privacy risks of the 5G/6G, IoT, and AI leave long-term research avenues.

This call for papers invites researchers, practitioners, and experts in the field of security and privacy to submit original research articles, case studies, and survey papers on topics related to security and privacy problems. This conference aims to provide a platform for disseminating the latest research findings, best practices, and emerging trends in the field of security and privacy in these technologies.
  1. Security and privacy
  2. Challenges in 5G/6G and IoT
  3. Security and privacy in edge computing, big data, and cloud computing
  4. Watermarking, steganography, and steganalysis
  5. Data hiding and cryptography
  6. Multimedia forensics and anti-forensics
  7. Computer virology, computer immunology, or hacking techniques
  8. Multi-party privacy preserving neural networks
  9. Large Language Model (LLM) Security and Privacy
  10. AI-based network traffic analysis
  11. AI generated multimedia and spoofing detection
  12. Security and privacy challenges in AI
  13. Quantum and Post-quantum Security


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH.

Additional publication opportunities:

Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

  1. Regular papers should be up to 12-15+ pages in length.
  2. Short papers should be 6-11 pages in length.

All conference papers undergo a thorough peer review process prior to the final decision and publication. This process is facilitated by experts in the Technical Program Committee during a dedicated conference period. Standard peer review is enhanced by EAI Community Review which allows EAI members to bid to review specific papers. All review assignments are ultimately decided by the responsible Technical Program Committee Members while the Technical Program Committee Chair is responsible for the final acceptance selection. You can learn more about Community Review here.

Author’s kit – Instructions and Templates (SPRINGER)

Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST/ EASICC Authors’ Kit.

Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage:

Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:

  • a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, and
  • an archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and LaTeX or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines. 


Transport systems in industry 5.0
  1. Development of digital twins focused on decision-makers
  2. Industry 5.0 and Sports Science
  3. Workshop Chair: Carlos Martner
Attendance: scientists, students and professionals